Jean-Marie CHESNEAUX, publications


  1. le logiciel CADNA (Control of Accuracy and Debugging for Numerical Applications), Copyright international, 1992

Ouvrages individuels et collectifs

  1. Chesneaux, J.-M. and Graillat, S. and Jézéquel, F., Rounding errors, Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering (Benjamin Wah, ed.), 4, p. 2490-2494, January, 2009.

  2. Chesneaux, J.-C. and Jézéquel, F. and Lamotte, J.-L., Stochastic arithmetic and verification of mathematical models, Uncertainties in environmental modelling and consequences for policy making, p. 101--125, 2009.

  3. Outils d'analyse numérique pour l'automatique, Rédaction collégiale sous la direction de A. Barraud, Hermes, 2002, Paris.

  4. J.-M. Chesneaux, S. Guilain et J. Vignes, Manuel d'utilisation du logiciel CADNA, Société FLE, 1997, 91 pages.

  5. Précision des Calculs sur Ordinateur, Rédaction collégiale du groupe PRC-PRS Arithmétique des ordinateurs, Masson, 1997, 165 pages.

  6. J.-M. Chesneaux et F.Boisson, Le calcul scientifique sur ordinateur, Editions DUNOD, Novembre 1988, 190 pages.

  7. J.-M. Chesneaux, E. Collinet et C. Scotto di Covella, X, CENTRALE, MINES, Problèmes corrigés posés aux concours 86 & 87, Editions DUNOD, Septembre 1987, 190 pages.

Revues internationales avec comité de lecture

  1. F. Jézéquel, J.-M. Chesneaux, J.-L. Lamotte, A new version of the CADNA library for estimating round-off error propagation in Fortran programs, Computer Physics Communications, vol. 181 (11), pp. 1927-1928, 2010

  2. J.-L. Lamotte, J.-M. Chesneaux, F. Jézéquel, CADNA_C: A version of CADNA for use with C or C programs, Computer Physics Communications, vol. 181 (11), pp. 1925-1926, 2010

  3. Scott, N.S. and Faro-Meza, V. and Harmer, T. and Chesneaux, J.-M. Denis, C. and Jézéquel, F., E-Collisions Using E-Science, Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, 5(3), p. 150-156, 2008.

  4. Jézéquel, F. and Chesneaux, J.-M., CADNA: a library for estimating round-off error propagation, Computer Physics Communications, 178(12), p. 933-955, 2008.

  5. Scott, N.S. and Jezequel, F. and Denis, C. and Chesneaux, J.-M., Numerical 'health check' for scientific codes: the CADNA approach, Computer Physics Communications, In Press, 176(8), p. 507-521, 2007.

  6. F. Jézéquel, F. Rico, J.-M. Chesneaux et M. Charikhi, Reliable computation of a multiple integral involved in the neutron star theory, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2006 , 71( 1), p. 44-61.

  7. F. Jézéquel et J.-M. Chesneaux, Computation of an infinite integral using Romberg's method, Num. Algo., vol 36, n° 3, p. 265-283 (2004).

  8. F. Jézéquel et J.-M. Chesneaux, For reliable and powerful scientific computations, Sc. Comp. Val. Num., Krämer and Wolff von Gudenberg ed., Kluwer Academic/Plenum publishers (2001) 367-378, résumé

  9. M. Montagnac et J.-M. Chesneaux, Dynamical control of a BiCGStab algorithm, Appl. Numer. Math. 32, No.1, 103-117 (2000)

  10. N.C. Albertsen, J.-M. Chesneaux, S. Christiansen et A. Wirgin, Comparison of four software packages applied to a scattering problem, Math. and Comp. in Sim., vol. 48 (1999) p. 307-318

  11. J.-M. Chesneaux et F. Jézéquel, Dynamical control of computations using the trapezoidal and Simpson's rules, JUCS, vol. 4 (1), (1998) p. 2-10

  12. J.-M. Chesneaux and A. Matos, Breakdown and near-breakdown control in the CGS algorithm using stochastic arithmetic, Num. Algo. , 11 (1996), pp. 99-116

  13. J.-M. Chesneaux et B. Troff, Computational Stability Study Using the CADNA Software Applied to the Navier-Stokes Solver PEGASE, Scientific Computing and Validated Numerics, G. Alefeld and A. Frommer Editors, Akademie Verlag, 1996, p. 84-90

  14. J.-M. Chesneaux, J. Asserrhine et J.-L. Lamotte, Estimation of round-off errors on several computer architectures, JUCS, vol. 1, n- 7 (July 1995) pp 450-464

  15. N.C. Albertsen, J.-M. Chesneaux, S. Christiansen et A. Wirgin, Evaluation of round-off error by interval and stochastic arithmetic methods in a numerical application of the Rayleigh theory to the study of scattering from an uneven boundary, Math. and Num. Aspects of Wave Propagation. (proc. 3rd Intl. Conf.), G. Cohen Ed., SIAM Proceedings, Philadelphia, 1995, pp. 338-346 résumé

  16. J.-M. Chesneaux, The equality relations in scientific computing, Numerical Algorithms, 7 (1994), p 129-143

  17. J.-M. Chesneaux et A. Wirgin, Reflection from a corrugated surface revisited, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 96 (2), Pt. 1, 1994, 1116-1129 résumé

  18. J.-M. Chesneaux and J. Vignes, L'algorithme de Gauss en arithmétique stochastique, C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris, sér.II, 316, 1993, pp. 171-176 résumé

  19. J.-M. Chesneaux and J. Vignes, Les fondements de l'arithmétique stochastique, C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris, sér.1, 315, 1992, pp.1435-1440 résumé

  20. J.-M. Chesneaux, Stochastic arithmetic properties, Computational and Applied Mathematics, Algorithms and theory, C Brezinski (editor), North Holland, 1992, pp 81-91.

  21. J.-M. Chesneaux, Study of the computing accuracy by using probabilistic approach, CONTRIBUTION TO Computer Arithmetic and Self Validating Numerical Methods C. Ulrich (editor), J.C. Baltzer AG, Scientific Publishing Co IMACS, 1990, pp 19-30

  22. J.-M. Chesneaux et Y. Salhi, Theoretical study of CESTAC method and ADA implementation, Numerical and Applied Mathematics, C Brezinski (editor), J.C. Baltzer AG, Scientific Publishing Co IMACS, 1989, pp 617-621

  23. J.-M. Chesneaux et J. Vignes, Sur la robustesse de la méthode CESTAC, C.R.A.S., Paris, t.307, série 1, 1988, pp.855-860 résumé

  24. J.-M. Chesneaux, Modélisation théorique et conditions de validité de la méthode CESTAC, C.R.A.S., Paris, Série 1, tome 307, 1988, pp.417-422 résumé

Revues nationales

  1. J.-M. Chesneaux et F. Jézéquel, Théorie et pratique de l'arithmétique stochastique discrète, Réseaux et systèmes répartis - calculateurs parallèles, Editions Hermes, vol. 13, n° 4-5 (2001) 485-504 résumé

  2. J.-M. Chesneaux, Approche probabiliste des erreurs d'arrondi, théorie et mise en œuvre, application à la programmation scientifique, Rapport d'expertise DRET, I.E.N.S., Janvier 1997, 55 pages

  3. J.-M. Chesneaux, CADNA : Un outil pour le contrôle des arrondis et le débogage numérique en ADA, La Lettre Ada, n- 48-49, Nov.-Déc. 1991, pp 14-22

Conférences internationales à comité de lecture et actes publiées

  1. S. Montan, J.-M. Chesneaux, Ch. Denis, J.-L. Lamotte, Étude de la propagation des erreurs d’arrondi dans un code d’hydrodynamique parallèle, Conférence d'informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Systeme, COMPAS 2013, Grenoble, France

  2. Chesneaux, J.-M. and Denis, C. and Jézéquel, F. and Scott, N. S., Dynamical strategies for the computation of integrals: an example from the CPC library, Proc. SCAN2006 conference, Duisburg, Germany, p. 41-42, September, 2006

  3. N. Scott, V. Faro-Maza, M. Penny Scott, T. Harmer, J.-M. Chesneaux, F. Jézéquel, Ch. Denis, e-Collisions Using e-Science, Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics, High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia

  4. J.-M. Chesneaux, L.-S. Didier et Rico F., The SOFA toolbox: a tool for tuning fixed point representations in embedded designs, Proceedings of SCAN2006, September, 26-29 2006, Duisburg, Germany

  5. J.-M. Chesneaux, J.-L. Lamotte, N. Limare et Y. Lebars, On the new CADNA library, Proceedings of SCAN2006, September, 26-29 2006, Duisburg, Germany

  6. N.S. Scott, L.Gr. Ixaru, C. Denis, F. Jézéquel, J.-M. Chesneaux et M.P. Scott, High performance computation and numerical validation of e-collision software, "Trends and Perspectives in Modern Computational Science", Invited lectures, Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences, G. Maroulis, T. Simos ed., November 2006, ICCMSE 2006 conference, International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, Chania, Crete, Greece

  7. J.-M. Chesneaux, L.-S. Didier et F. Rico, The SOFA toolbox for evaluating range of outputs under Simulink, seminar "Reliable Implementation of Real Number Algorithms: Theory and Practice", Dagstuhl (Germany), 8-13 janvier 2006

  8. Adout, R. and Chesneaux, J.-M. and Jézéquel, F., Dynamical choice of the Krylov subspace dimension in the GMRES method, 17th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation, July, 2005

  9. J.-M. Chesneaux, L.-S. Didier et F. Rico, A new statistical test applied to a classical interval problem, seminar "Algebraic and Numerical Algorithms and Computer-assisted Proofs", Dagstuhl (Germany), 25-30 septembre 2005

  10. R. Adout, J.-M. Chesneaux and F. Jézéquel, A reliable hybrid extrapolation algorithm to accelerate the restarted GMRES method, Proceedings of SCAN2004, Fukuoka, Japan, October 2004

  11. J.-M. Chesneaux, L.-S. Didier, F. Rico, The Fixed CADNA library, Proceedings of RNC5, 3-5 september 2003, Lyon, France

  12. R. Avot-Chotin, J.-M. Chesneaux, J.-L. Lamotte, On the computation of the CESTAC function, Proceedings of RNC5, 3-5 september 2003, Lyon, France

  13. Mourad Charikhi, Jean-Marie Chesneaux, Fabienne Jézéquel, Fabien Rico, Loïc Villain, Dynamical control of a multiple integral using Discrete Stochastic Arithmetic, Seminar "Numerical software with result verification", Dagstuhl (Germany), 19-24 january 2003

  14. Mourad Charikhi, Jean-Marie Chesneaux, Fabienne Jézéquel, Dynamical control of computations of multiple integrals, Proceedings of SCAN 2002, Paris, 23-27 septembre 2002

  15. Mourad Charikhi, Jean-Marie Chesneaux, Fabienne Jézéquel, Fabien Rico, Loïc Villain, A dynamical computation of a multiple integral involved in the neutron star theory, Proceedings of SCAN 2002, Paris, 23-27 septembre 2002

  16. J.-M. Chesneaux, F. Jezequel, Numerical computation of an infinite integral using dynamical extrapolation method,International Conference on NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS Marrakesh, Morocco, October 1-5, 2001

  17. J.-M. Chesneaux, F. Jezequel, Numerical validation on vectorial computers, Proceedings of SCAN 2000, Karlsruhe(Allemagne), 19-22 septembre 2000

  18. J.-M. Chesneaux, A reliable floating-point version of the Euclid's algorithm, Proceedings of the XVth World IMACS, Lausanne (Suisse), 21-25 août 2000

  19. J.-M. Chesneaux, F. Jézéquel, Dynamical numerical validation of quadrature methods, Proceedings of SCAN'97, Lyon, Septembre 1997,vol. II, p. 17-20

  20. J.-M. Chesneaux, On the probability of the confidence interval of the CESTAC method, Proceedings of the XVth World IMACS congres, Berlin, Août 1997

  21. J.-M. Chesneaux, The normed residual theory and the stochastic arithmetic, Proceedings of CESA'96, Lille, Juillet 1996

  22. J.-M. Chesneaux, B. Troff, Study of numerical stability of the PEGASE code for solving full Navier-Stokes equations, Proceedings of SCAN'95, Wuppertal, Septembre 1995

  23. J.-M. Chesneaux, J. Asserrhine, J.L. Lamotte, Estimation des erreurs d'arrondi sur différentes architectures informatiques, Proceedings of the congres Real Numbers and Computers, Saint-Étienne, Avril 1995

  24. J.-M. Chesneaux, N.C. Albertsen, S. Christiansen, A. Wirgin, Evaluation of round-off error by interval and stochastic arithmetic methods in a numerical application of the Rayleigh theory to the study of scattering from an uneven boundary, Math. and Num. Aspects of Wave Propagation. (Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf.), G. Cohen Ed., SIAM Proceedings, Philadelphia, 1995, pp. 338-346

  25. J.-M. Chesneaux, Determination of the kernel and the image of matrix on computer using stochastic arithmetic, Proceedings of the XIVth World IMACS congres, Atlanta, Juillet 1994

  26. J.-M. Chesneaux, Stochastic arithmetic properties, Proceedings of the XIIIth World IMACS congres, Dublin, Juillet 1991

  27. J.-M. Chesneaux (conférencier invité), CADNA : An ADA tool for round-off errors analysis and for numerical debugging, Proceedings of the congres : ADA in Aerospace, Barcelone, December 1990

  28. J.-M. Chesneaux, Study of the computing accuracy by using probabilistic approach, Proceedings du congres :International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic and Self Validating Numerical Methods, B\^ales, Octobre 1989

  29. J.-M. Chesneaux, Y. Salhi, Theoretical study of CESTAC method and ADA implementation, Proceedings of the XIIth World IMACS congres, Paris, Juillet 1988


  1. J.-M. Chesneaux, L'arithmétique Stochastique et le Logiciel CADNA, Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, Novembre 1995 résumé

  2. J.-M. Chesneaux, étude théorique et implémentation en ADA de la méthode CESTAC, Doctorat d'Université, UPMC, Paris, 1988

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© Copyright Jean-Marie CHESNEAUX, 2003.