PNG2INR (1I)     version 1.0.0, Inrimage 4.6.9     March 2022

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png2inr - convert a PNG image into an Inrimage image.


png2inr [png-file] [-i|output] [-8] [-noalpha] [-hdr=%d] [-D]


png2inr Any PNG formats are supported : that's meaning a valid Inrimage image is created. However, Inrimage displayers do not displaying correctly some format, for example, PALETTE for image bit size lesser than 8 are not correctly displayed (limitation of Inrimage displayer, not Inrimage image format). Using the -8 option solves most of problems encountered. Some PNG formats can use an alpha channel; they are converted as vector image:
- GRAY and ALPHA are converted into a 2-component image (-v 2),
- RGB and ALPHA are converted into a 4-component image (-v 4).

xvis does not handle alpha channel (but gvis does). One can elimate the alpha channel using the -noalpha option. For Inrimage user: you can keep the channel alpha and filter using extg command. Example with png2inr installed as plugin:

$ extg -v 3 image.png | xvis

Finally, png2inr can display information about a PNG image (option -i).


just display info on png file
convert pixel/component values to 8 bits. Works for any bitcoding (1,2,4,16).
Remove the alpha channel (if exist)
to increase the header file size if needed
print Inrimage and program traces


See Inrimage(1i) for a description of general options.


Handle swapped data.