INR2PNG (1I)     version 1.0.0, Inrimage 4.6.9     March 2022

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inr2png - convert an Inrimage image into a PNG image.


inr2png [input] [png-file]


inr2png converts an Inrimage image into a PNG image with the following rules and limitations (due to PNG):
- float image are not converted. These images should be converted by Inrimage tools. For example :
$ norma image.inr | cco -f | inr2png > image.png
- all fixed format are converted. However, PNG can only store in 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 bits. inr2png converts to the best and nearest bit depth value.
- signed image and image with exposant are converted.
- image with 1 component is converted to GRAY
- image with 2 components is converted to GRAY + ALPHA
- image with 3 components is converted to RGB
- image with 4 components is converted to RGB + ALPHA
- image with more components is not converted
- image with color palette is converted to PALETTE


See Inrimage(1i) for a description of general options.


Handle swapped data.