JPG2INR (1I)     version 2.0.0, Inrimage 4.6.9     March 2022

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jpg2inr - converts a JPEG image to Inrimage image.


jpg2inr [-i]
jpg2inr [input-jpeg-file | -] [image-out] [-color N] [-grayscale] [-fast] [-dither dither-mode] [-dct dct-mode] [-scale M/N] [-nosmooth] [-onepass] [-maxmemory N]


jpg2inr converts a JPEG image to Inrimage image. jpg2inr was previously a perl script calling a patch of djpeg (the jpeg decoder provided by libjpeg Copyright (C) 1996, Thomas G. Lane). From version 2.0.0, jpg2inr is a full client of libjpeg and propose most of options of djpeg.


do not convert but print informations found in input header.
-colors N
reduce to N colors (with colormap)
reduce to 256 gray level image
combination of -nosmooth, -onepass, -dither none and -dct fast
-dither none|ordered|fs
color dithering (needs -colors) method fs=floyd steinberg, ordered color and none dithering (faster)
-dct int|fast|float
select the DCT method; float is the slower
-scale M/N
scale image with factor M/N
don't use high-quality upsampling
one pass in color quantification (needs -colors)
-maxmemory N
maximum memory for jpeg decoding (in K-bytes)

If an image is reduced to N colors (option -colors), the colormap is written in Inrimage image header and the size of header is automatically set to 8. However, a call to -hdr= may overload this value.


Option -C is not supported.


ifmt(1i) , inr2jpg(1i)
See Inrimage(1i) for a description of general options.