ITEST (1I)     version 1.0, Inrimage 4.6.9     March 2022

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itest - perform some simple tests on image headers


itest [image] [-xfR dimx] [-y dimy] [-z dimz] [-v dimv] [-|-r|-p] [-o bytes|-b bit] [-e exponent|-s] [-x0 x0] [-y0 y0] [-z0 z0] [-imbi bias] [-imsc scale]
itest [image1 image2] [-x] [-y] [-z] [-v] [-f|-r|-p] [-o|-b] [-e|-s] [-x0] [-y0] [-z0] [-imbi] [-imsc]


itest performs simple tests on image headers. It is possible to test an image against an another one, and in this case two images have to be given in input. It is possible to test an image against a format given by the user and one image has to be given in input.
When two images are tested, the user specifies one or several image features on which the test is performed: for example '-x' for testing the image width or '-y -z' for testing the image height and the number of frames.
When one image format is tested, the user provides the format on which the test is performed: for example '-x 100' to test if the image has 100 rows.
Currently, the test is done on egality. For complex tests, you have to use a combinaison of the unix command test, the inrimage commands par and itest.


Tests on the switch -m currently don't work.


par(1i) , Inrimage(1i) for a description of general switches.