INR2PAM (1I)     version 1.0.0, Inrimage 4.6.9     March 2022

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inr2pam - convert an Inrimage image to a PAM image.


inr2pam [input] [netpbm-file]


inr2pam converts an Inrimage image into a PAM image with the following rules and limitations (due to PAM):
- float image are not converted. These images should be converted using Inrimage tools. For example :
$ norma image.inr | cco -f | inr2pam > image.png
- multi frame images are not supported by Netpbm : only the first frame is converted;
- conversion to PPM format is only possible with RGB image;
- vectorial images are supported only by PAM format;
- conversion to NetPBM may be lossy in some cases; for example: convert an 1-byte image in PBM, an 4-byte image in PGM, ...
- sign is ignored (but not exponent);
- palette image are ignored : use cnvcol before exporting. </ul>

NETPBM formats

The format of output image is choseen depending on the output filename extension:
- .pbm : conversion to PBM (bitmap);
- .pgm : conversion to PGM (greymap);
- .ppm : conversion to PPM (pixmap), input image should be RGB (NDIMV=3);
- .pam or any other extension : conversion to PAM (arbitrary map).
However, it may be forced using the switches -pbm, -pgm, -ppm or -pam.

Images are always converted to the raw format (compact format). The switch -plain allows to export in plain format (ASCII), this format is machine independant but generates big file.


See Inrimage(1i) for a description of general options.